Sunday, September 23, 2012

What I Simply Cannot Live Without!

I've gotten a couple requests from friends about products I simply cannot live without! Most of the things I'm about to share with you, are kind-life products. Meaning, they are from the earth and contain no animal ingredients or bi-products, nor do they test on animals. And a few are actually food-grade! One of my favorite products used to remove eye makeup is extra virgin olive oil!
However, no product is going to work as efficiently or as effectively as it could if you are not healthy from within! I'm a huge health advocate. We must take care of our bodies while they are here on earth!
As most of you know, I am vegan so that also translates into what products I use, not only what foods I choose to eat. I feel that by using products from the earth, we are more connected to what we are using.

Before, and especially after being trained at The Aveda Institute by Douglas J, I am strong believer in energy. We know that all things have energy, and I feel by using organic (when we can) and by using things that are kind (not only to us, but to our furry friends, and workers harvesting) we take on that energy ourselves. Not only are we what we eat, we are the standard in which we choose to live by.

Blessings dear souls, and here are some products I use on a daily basis! These are also products and items that I  always replenish.

Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar
I am one of those crazy people who takes a shot of this every morning to jump start my metabolism. It's packed with amino acids and I don't actually mind the bracingly acidic taste. It's also very purifying and detoxifying to the liver, the kidneys, and the intestines. You may make a tea out of it as well, with lemon and agave. It surprisingly not terrible. But you probably aren't going to believe me, seeing as how I voiced earlier how I take a shot of it plain... Also, you can make a great skin toner with it too! Regardless, start using it in your diet! I promise you'll notice drastic changes.

Organic Coconut Oil
I use this in the evenings after I cleanse my face! I also eat some... super rich in omega 3 fatty acids! Wake up with your skin looking plump, youthful and refreshed!

Nutiva Hemp Oil
This is something I just recently started using. Extremely rich in Omega 3. Contains 1.7% gamma-linolenic acid, which is the polyunsaturated fatty acid which stimulates hair growth and nail growth which improves skin and reduces inflammation. Hemp seed is safe to take on it's own, and easier to digest than Flax seed oil! 

Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Removes makeup... also, I'll often slather some on my face before I hop in the shower! The steam from the shower helps penetrate the antioxidant rich oil into the skin. I'll leave it there through the shower, then as I'm about to get out, I'll give my face a quick rinse and massage the excess into the skin.

MyChelle Fruit Enzyme Cleanser
Words cannot even describe how much I love this cleanser, and anything by MyChelle in general. I don't know how they do it, but they do it kindly! This cleanser is great for all skin types... it uses different fruit acids to exfoliate the skin while cleansing.

Nature's Gate Mandarin Orange and Pachouli Shampoo
I was never a huge fan of pachouli, but the mandarin in this makes it work! It smells super yummy and adds so much volume! I follow with the Mandarin Orange and Pachouli Conditioner! 

Tom's of Maine Toothpaste
Favorite toothpaste of all-time!

Tom's of Maine Antiperspirant Deodorant
Vegan, and effective!

Trader Joe's Face & Body Sunscreen
I am extremely breakout prone, and I can use this daily on my face. It has never caused my skin to act up. It seems to refresh, (haha) and hydrate as well as protect from the sun! Most days I can skip moisturizer and go straight to this after cleansing! Sometimes less is more!

Natures Gate Lavender Body Lotion
Gives just the right amount of hydration and moisture. Fresh earthly lavender scent that as it wears turns more fresh and clean than floral. Soothes with Vitamin E and calms with Organic lavender. 

Hugo Naturals Grapefruit Body Wash
All time favorite! Leaves skin hydrated! Super fresh and clean and kind! Not too strong of a grapefruit scent and it's natural smelling. No synthetics here! 

Tarte Lip Stains
Favorite colors in 'Fiery' and 'Moody'... Layer them and create my favorite lip color!

Arcona Eye Dew
For day time! Anti-aging formula. Hyaluronic acid used as a humectant to bring hydration to the skin, packed with essential fatty acids, increases elasticity. Heals and soothes with blueberry and Vitamin E. Awesome product!

Kiss My Face Sunless Tanner
I use this on my face and neck about every four or five days. Gives a subtle amount of color that it definitely build-able. It works fantastic for the body as well, I just prefer my face and neck to have a bit of a glow. It also helps hide and cover up some of my scars I have from when my skin was really bad... ingredients are super natural and has walnut extract.

Try any of these products and let me know what you think of them! I'd be very interested to see if you love them as much as I do! Cheers friends! I hope this was interesting and or helpful in future kind purchases!

xxx Jess.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Little Things;

Why is it that even when so much has been done, when so much has been said, when so much have been figure out or changed; we still focus on the little things?

In this case, I'm talking about those things that are under our skin. Literally. Go figure!

To share a little piece of my story with you, I have battled horrific breakouts since I was a sophomore in High School. Any of you who know this part of my story, you know that my parents took me to Dermatologist where I was simply put on an anti-biotic for 6 years. Something I eventually became immune to. So, I decided to go to Esthiology school to figure this whole 'skin' thing out for myself. Now that I've got my breakouts under control (for the most part) I am now focused on my hyperpigmentation I have from all of the places I have had breakouts. I have little pink colored scars on both sides of my face below my cheeks but above my jawline that I live with but am currently treating.

If you have hyperpigmentation from the sun, from acne or other mild skin issues, this blog is going to give you some options of what you can do to diminish the appearance of them. Remember, these things are not a quick-fix. They take treatment, as well as preventative care.

What the heck is hyperpigmentation? Let's break it down:

  • hyper (excessive)
  • pigment (color) or in this case, melanin within the skin.
It may be caused by sun damage, acne or other various forms of skin injuries that essentially lead to inflammation.

When excess melanin is produced within the skin, this little wonder of nasty pigmentation occurs. It can be spread over a large area or it can be focal but it is able to affect all areas of the body.
Melanin is produced by melanocytes at the lower layer of the epidermis; which is called the basal layer or stratum germinativum. You can read about understanding your skin and it's different layers here.

As I'm sure most of you know, our melanin is the pigment responsible for producing color within bodies. Thankfully, in most cases we can protect ourselves from hyperpigmentation and we now have the tools and resources to be able to treat it.

Basic treatment options: 

  • Skin lightening/brightening serums (the most effective from a line) However, to see best results, most skin-care lines work synergistically within the skin so to see best results: use the entire line. I am biased because I work with Decleor, but in working with it first hand myself and on my clients, I know that the Aroma White C line is extremely effective. 
  • Enzyme Peels
  • Chemical Peels
  • Microdermabrasion (which, in most cases I find myself hesitant to suggest them to people of a number of different skin types) 
  • Look for products with vitamin C is going to brighten the skin and lighten unwanted pigmentation. 
  • Exfoliate, often. In doing so we are shedding off those top outermost layers of our epidermis. As our skin from the bottom moves up, our spots lighten because we're essentially sloughing them off. Dermal scars take some more work, some more products, some more time and sometimes need advanced treatment options. 

Advanced treatment options: (for more serious cases)
There are two types of laser light therapy used to treat hyperpigmentation:

  • IPL (Intense Pulsed Light): which emit multiple wavelengths of light. Usually more effective when used over areas with a wider range of discoloration. 
  • Lasers: which emit a single wavelength. Usually more effective in treating specific scars, age spots and sun spots. Scabbing is more prominent after these treatments. 

Both of these treatment options use the same basic principle to treat unwanted pigment. When undergoing either of these treatments, be sure to do your own research in where you go and who you might see.

Preventative care options:
  • The number one thing I will recommend for people of all skin types is not a cleanser, or a serum, or an exfoliator; but a good SPF. UV light stimulates melanocyte activity within the epidermis which leads to what we commonly call a sun-spot. That little sun-spot (aside from not looking so cute) can put you at risk for causes serious damage. Did you know malignant melanoma causes 75% of deaths related to skin cancer? 160,000 new cases of melanoma are diagnosed yearly. While it is more common in women than men, we should all be slathering ourselves with sunscreen. Remember when sunscreen wasn't 'cool'? Well, it is now! We have the information, we have the tools! Utilize them. Don't be a sunny (a sun dummy), protect yourself. 
  • Consuming different foods that are high in vitamin C, vitamin A and getting in your essential omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids will decrease your chances of breakouts and increase the natural moisture level in your skin which can aid in the healing process within the skin. It also keeps the inflammation level at bay.
  • Eating cooked tomato products can act as a natural SPF. Because cooked tomatoes contain licopene.

Our scars make us who we are. Whether those are physical, emotional or emotional scars. We learn from them and we grow from them. Also, know that I love you just the way you are and if there's someone out there who can relate to you and what you might be going through with these things, believe me when I say that it's me. But naturally, I want to help you be your best you and that is why I share this information in the first place.

If I can help in any other way, or if you have any further questions- feel free to comment, email, or tweet at me. Feedback is also appreciated. Blessings to you, friends. xxx


Sunday, January 29, 2012



Acne is the number one subject I get questions about in regard to our skin. Unfortunately, I wish I could tell everyone what one thing it is and what one thing will cure it. There are several different types of acne, and several different causes. Since our bodies are all so different, unfortunately and fortunately so is our acne.

Since I am well aware that acne is a sore subject, after suffering with it for years and with still suffering from it today, let's start with a fun fact about it.

"Acne" comes from the Greek word 'akme' meaning "point" or "spot". It was originally mispelt with an 'n' and not an 'm' in 1835.

Acne is generally known as an inflammatory disorder of the sebaceous glands. These glands are connected to the pores via follicles which are small canals all throughout our skin. Sebum, an oily liquid that our skin naturally produces carries dead skin cells through these follicles to the surface of our skin. A small vellus hair grows through the follicle and out of the skin. Ordinary pustules and papules grow when these follicles become blocked or clogged.

Although common acne and even more severe acne affects both men and women, young men generally suffer from acne longer most likely due to more testosterone.

What causes acne?
Hormones play a huge contributor in acne. During puberty boys and girls produce high levels of androgens, the male sex hormones that include testosterone. Testosterone signals the body to make more sebum (which as we know is the natural oil and waxy secretion that helps the skin retain moisture.)

Bacteria plays another factor in acne. For those of us who don't wash our face before we go to bed... shame on us!  Each square centimeter of our skin averages about 100,000 bacteria. Not all of that bacteria is bad. Some microbes live on our skin and protect us against harmful agents like free-radicals. 

In our digestive system, there are many different species of friendly bacteria which take part in an important and rather inseparable way. These bacteria are vital to the metabolism of food, the production of enzymes and vitamins. They also aid in the demolition of disease causing microorganisms including fungi and the regulation of our intestine acid. When our body does not contain enough good bacteria, it can be a cause of acne.                               
HEALTHY SKIN is slightly moist, slightly acidic and smooth. 

Hormones. Common acne in teenagers starts with an increase in hormone production. During puberty, both boys and girls produce high levels of androgens, the male sex hormones that include testosterone. Testosterone signals the body to make more sebum, a waxy substance that helps the skin retain moisture.

Bacteria. Excess sebum clogs the openings to hair follicles -- especially those on the face, neck, chest, and back. Bacteria grow in these clogged follicles. This makes blackheads or whiteheads form on the skin's surface -- a condition called non-inflammatory acne. Sometimes the follicle wall breaks under the pressure of this buildup. When this happens, sebum leaks into nearby tissues and forms a pustule -- this is called inflammatory acne. This can create cysts. Ruptured cysts can leave temporary or permanent scars.

Did you know that when our breakouts are on different parts of our faces it means different things?
I found this face chart online. With it's given information, I added my own colored lines to tell you a bit more about the sections. It's the closest thing I can find to what I know.

Starting from the bottom up. When we break out in the 'red zone', it's generally due to hormones.
When we break out in the 'blue zone', it's generally due to an allergy we may have to a food or substance we're consuming. When we break out in the 'yellow zone', it is usually from an overactive sebaceous gland, or too much of our skins natural sebum. When we break out in the purple zone, it's difficult to exactly pinpoint this, but it could be from oil, as well as a hair product we may be using, or it is where we break out when we're using an antibiotic our body doesn't like, or when we're coming off of an antibiotic. Or, for females when our skin doesn't like a certain type of face makeup! When we breakout on our forehead, it is generally from sweat... especially when we're physically active or when we live in warm climates. 

Remember, our skin is a window to our body's health. When we go back to Chinese skin analysis each part of the face is connected to an organ. When we look at where we're seeing these problems, we can try to target what's going on within our bodies. Yes, we should treat our skin topically, but we should be healthy from within, as well.

The best ways to easily keep our skin in control:

1. Drink lots of water to flush out toxins in our bodies.
2. Load ourselves with antioxidants. Green tea, cranberries... ect.

3. Take a PROBIOTIC! (this is huge I promise you will notice a difference within days.)
4. Eat plenty of raw foods and eat organic if possible.
5. Cleanse our skin as gently as possible, twice a day. (If you're a female who wears makeup, cleanse twice. Once with a more milky/creamy cleanser to remove makeup. The second cleanse, to really deeply cleanse the skin.)
6. Exfoliate twice a week.
7. (This is optional) Keep glycemic foods and dairy to a low... there have also been studies that link gluten to acne. Experiment with your body and listen to what it's telling you. If you're going to consume dairy, don't consume it on an empty stomach. Also make sure it's not the last thing you eat before you sleep.
8. RELAX. Keep stress to a minimum. We live in a world of stress... and our skin does not need it.

Love to you and your face.
Eat some raw foods for me!
